EKSG Encourages Corps Members To Take COVID 19 Vaccines

EKSG Encourages Corps Members To Take COVID 19 Vaccines
The Ekiti state government has called on corps members serving in the state to receive Covid19 vaccination as way to prevent the spread of the deadly virus in the state.
The Commissioner for  Health and Human Services Dr Oyebanji Filani made this call at the NYSC Orientation camp in Ise- Ekiti explaining that priority has been given to front-line workers at this first phase which the corps members could take advantage of.
Dr Filani said that the state government holds the corps members posted to the state in high esteem noting that that was what made the state deployed Covid 19 Vaccination team to the camp for easy vaccination.
 The commissioner assured the corps members of the effectiveness and efficacy of the vaccine and stressed that the vaccines have been proven to be safe and without negative side effects.
He said that the vaccines have gone through many clinical trials to guarantee its safety for human consumption having been satisfied by all relevant international and national regulatory bodies such as WHO, UNICEF and NAFDAC.
“There is no cause for alarm, I have received the vaccines weeks ago alongside other prominent people that I know and I don’t feel any pains, side effects, I’m very fine”.
While having an interactive session with the medical corps members which include Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Dentist, Medical Lab Scientists the Commissioner assured them of the ministry’s support in terms of welfare packages we needed.
The commissioner assured the medical corps members a  continue further engage men and charged them to engage in problem-solving skills and training that would lead to personal development.
Earlier, the NYSC State Coordinator in Ekiti state, Mrs Nenna Chikezi commended the commissioner for his love and support for the corps members especially since the outbreak of Covid 19.
She promised to encourage corps members posted to the state to take up the Covid 19 vaccines especially at orientation camp where they have greater numbers of corps members.
Dr Uzor Uyama, a corps member serving at Ikole General hospital disclosed that she has taken the vaccines and be in stable condition without negative side effects. She appealed to other corps members to come out and take up the vaccines.