Truck Crushes Motorcyclist, Passenger To Death In Ogun


Truck Crushes Motorcyclist, Passenger To Death In Ogun

Two persons were on Friday night crushed to death by a truck on Ilaro- Ibese road in Yewa North local government area of Ogun State.

The Spokesman of the Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps (TRACE), Mr. Babatunde Akinbiyi confirmed the incident to the newsmen in Abeokuta on Saturday.

Akinbiyi, while quoting eyewitnesses, said the truck driver drove recklessly, left his lane and faced the motorcycle, thereby crushing both the rider and his passenger to death.

He said “an angry mob later set the truck on fire while the driver ran away.

“The case is being handled by the Dangote plant police post,” he added.

He noted that it took the intervention of the police and officers of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) to calm frayed nerves and the situation.

The TRACE spokesman added that one of the deceased had been deposited at Ilaro General Hospital morgue, while the other victim has been buried by the family members.

He commiserated with the family of the dead victims, while admonishing  truck drivers to resist the temptation of reckless and dangerous driving and give consideration to other road users.