73 Year-Old Security Guard Docked For Allegedly Stealing Tricycle Engines


73 Year-Old Security Guard Docked For Allegedly Stealing Tricycle Engines

A 73-year-old security guard, Bode Adegboyega, on Thursday appeared in a Chief Magistrates’ Court, Kaduna, for allegedly stealing 111 tricycle engines.

The police charged Adegboyega, who resides in Hanwa G.R.A Zaria in Kaduna, with conspiracy, breach of trust and theft.

The Prosecution Counsel, Insp Amos Ezekiel, told the court that the complainant, Shettima Yusuf, of Fagachi Road Gyellesu-Zaria, Kaduna, wrote a letter of complaint to the Commissioner of Police, Kaduna State, on July 15.

Ezekiel said the defendant and one Yahaya Ahmed, now at large who are security guard in BITMAS Enterprises Limited Zaria, conspired and stole 111 tricycle engines and other tricycle parts all valued N28. 2 million.

The prosecutor said that during police investigations, the defendants confessed to have committed the offence.

He said that the offence contravened the provisions of sections 59, 297, 309 and 271 of the Kaduna State Penal Code, 2017.

The defendant pleaded not guilty to the offence.

Magistrate Ibrahim Emmanuel admitted the defendant in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties in like sum.

He ordered that the sureties must reside within the jurisdiction of the court and adjourned the matter until Aug. 12 for hearing.