Kaduna Govt Postpones School Resumption Over Insecurity


Kaduna Govt Postpones School Resumption Over Insecurity

The Kaduna State Government has extended its schools’ resumption, previously scheduled for August 9, 2021, due to ongoing security operations against armed bandits in the state.

The government said officers and troops were carrying out air and ground operations around Kaduna, Niger, Katsina, Plateau and Zamfara boundaries.

Commissioner of Education, Shehu Usman Muhammad and Commissioner of Internal Security & Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, disclosed in a joint statement issued on Friday.

They said the government had also requested the military and police high commands to expand their operations to newly identified hideouts.

“The Kaduna State Government has accepted the security advisory, and hereby, directs total compliance by all schools and agencies involved in delivering infrastructural projects in high-risk areas.

“New dates for school resumption will be announced, based on security assessments,” the statement read.