Saka In Lagos, Says Arsenal Will Be Better Next Season


Saka In Lagos, Says Arsenal Will Be Better Next Season


Arsenal winger, Bukayo Saka, is confident that the Gunners will be ready to compete favourably in all competitions next season despite failing to land a silverware in the outgoing season.

The England star also believes with the progression made under Mikel Arteta, the team will thrive next year.

“We’ve made tremendous progress in the last two seasons and yes we are back in the UEFA Champions League, the Premier League will be there too and other competitions, so we’d be ready,” Saka said on Saturday in Lagos.

Saka who is currently on vacation in Nigeria explained that the major reason of his visit is to help inspire young Nigerian kids to stardom.

Saka who took time out from the prying eyes of football fans hit the street of Somolu, Lagos after arriving Nigeria on Wednesday.

The 21-year-old star announced his arrival with a video shared on his Instagram account after he touched down at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos on Wednesday.

Saka who has been involved in charity work in Nigeria despite choosing to play for the English national team visited the Bales of Mercy Orphanage, set up to cater for the needs of abandoned and destitute children around Lagos.

He also paid a visit to the Nigerian Red Cross Society in Lagos.

Recall in November 2022, the Arsenal star funded the operations of 120 kids in Kano State in conjunction with youth charity BigShoe.

The former Hale academy player also revealed his is exploring other ways to further help more kids.

“That’s the reason I came here and I really want to be an inspiration for all kids,” he said.

“We’ve been doing a lot before now and we are exploring ways to make it deeper.”

The England star also revealed that he hails from Ijebu Ode in Ogun State and he enjoys eating pounded yam and egusi soup.

“I’m from Ijebu-Ode in Ogun State and we’ll connected with my background here,” he continued.

“Despite being in England, I still eat the foods from here (pounded yam and egusi soup). It feels good to be here, I feel safe and happy to be back here.”