Yoruba Nation Agitators Defy Heavy Police Presence, Hold Lagos Rally


Yoruba Nation Agitators Defy Heavy Police Presence, Hold Lagos Rally

Stray Bullet Kill 14-Year-Old Girl

Despite heavy presence of armed policemen and soldiers around Gani Fawehinmi Park, Ojota, Lagos, agitators of Yoruba nation have started coming out in their numbers.

They are chanting diffrent kinds of freedom songs, including, “No going back,” “We want Oodua Nation,” among others.

So far, the rally is going on peacefully without harassment from security agents.

The agitators surfaced around 11.20am while the Commissioner of Police, Hakeem Odumosu, was addressing journalists

Some of the agitators who spoke to newsmen stated that it is time to have a separate nation for the Yoruba ethnic group because they don’t have anything in common with the other ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Flyers shared by the agitators read, “Ilosiwaju Ominira Yoruba Nation.”

However, a 14-Year-old girl was hit by stray bullet during the protest and she died on the spot.