Plateau killings: Change Your Strategies, PENGASSAN Tells Security Agencies


Plateau killings: Change Your Strategies, PENGASSAN Tells Security Agencies

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) has condemned the continued wanton and ruthless killing of innocent Nigerians across the country by armed bandits and marauders and called on the security agencies to change its strategies of tackling the crisis if the one they are using now is not working.

The senior staff trade union also frowned at the statement by a spokesman of Meyatti Allah that the killings were in response to rustling of about 300 cattle in the area, adding that “this is not an excuse for lawlessness in a country that has government and security apparatus to handle issues.”

It urged the Federal Government to rise above just condemning such killings and courageously do all it takes to protect the lives and properties of citizens which is the whole essence of governance.

Speaking on the killing of over 100 innocent people by herdsmen in Plateau State, PENGASSAN in a statement signed by its National Public Relations Officer, Comrade Fortune Obi, expressed condolence to the families of the victims and the people of Plateau State.

“We commiserate with the families of the victims, the people and Government of Plateau State, which is the latest of such incidents with the killing of over 100 people last weekend.

“PENGASSAN notes that the Security Agencies, especially the police seem helpless in the face of the mindless and unprovocative killing of innocent Nigerians.

“We therefore call for more recruitment into all arms of the Security Agencies, including the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) and also advise the Security Agencies to review their strategies to put an end to the killing.

“The Security Agencies should improve their relationship with the communities to enable them get necessary information before any attacks.”

PENGASSAN implored the Government to deploy a special squad of military and other forces permanently to troubled prone areas of Benue, Taraba and Plateau states.