Oyetola’s Aide Faults Lasun’s Attack Claim

Oyetola’s Aide Faults Lasun’s Attack Claim
The chief press secretary to governor Gboyega Oyetola, Mr Ismail Omipidan has faulted the claim by the governorship candidate of Labour Party, Hon. Lasun Yussuff that he was attacked by yet to be identified gunmen at his Ilobu country home yesterday.
Omipidan who called on security operatives for discreet investigation into the matter while addressing newsmen in Osogbo on Monday who said he was tempted to believe that Lasun Yusuf was planning to unleash violence on the innocent people of Irepodun local government on the day of election described the incidence as a blackmail.
The former deputy Speaker, House of Representatives had raised the alarm on his twitter page at about 2:00am on Monday that his residence was under attack by yet to be identified gunmen.
Hon. Lasun Yussuff who had earlier sent a signal that he would speak to press men on the matter at his campaign office in Osogbo was not available for the exercise until press time.
But Omipidan said the governorship candidate was only using the allegedly self orchestrated incident to prepare a ground on what he wanted to do during the July 16 governorship election in Osun State.
“I am sure that you agree with me that we probably would have been after the PDP because it is the PDP that has been attacking our supporters, it is the PDP that come out openly to say that the election will be fire for fire, and they follow up with the threat.
“It is on record where the PDP candidate running for Osun west state it clearly that supporters should look for guns, cutlass , and stones to attack members of the APC , it is also on record that the House of Representatives candidate of the PDP on air, the video is out there in the public space claiming that he is expertise in using bomb and grenade to launch attack on people”.
The chief press secretary said “The first thing that came to mind is where were his  security men, I am aware that as a former deputy speaker, he has security men around him, I am also aware that some of the mobile police men stationed around that same residence on a normal day usually harass innocent passers-by, so I wonder where they were around 2:30am according to Lasun when they attacked, if indeed there was an attack, was there any attempt to repel the attack? Where were the security operatives in any case.
“Hon Lasun yussuff with all due respect and with all sense of responsibility, is not a threat to our candidate, how can somebody who could not win a local government in a primary election suddenly becomes a threat to a governorship candidate?, from all indications, I see it as an attempt not only to blackmail the government but to paint a wrong picture to Nigerians who are outside Osun.