Obaseki Orders Re-assessment For Edo Nursing Student


Obaseki Orders Re-assessment For Edo Nursing Student

The Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has ordered the re-assessment of Miss Precious Umoru to begin her training at the Edo State College of Nursing Sciences, Benin.

Miss Umoru was admitted into the college and was initially advised to withdraw after preliminary assessment of her physical condition, which was not disclosed at the point of admission.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Provost of the college, Prof. Patricia Ukaigwe, said the governor upon learning of the case intervened and requested that another assessment be conducted and that Miss. Umoru be provided with all necessary support for her condition for the re-assessment.

She said, “The Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has ordered the re-assessment of Miss Precious Umoru to begin her training at the Edo State College of Nursing Sciences, Benin.

“The Admission Committee had deemed her eligible for admission based on her cognitive function and score on the CBT exam, but upon her arrival at the school premises, the hostel manager observed that she had unstable gait and tremors.

“A meeting was called between the Counselling Department of the College and Miss. Umoru’s parents, where the nature and history of her condition were reviewed to reach a fair decision on her physical fitness for the College’s rigorous training.

“As part of this process, a preliminary assessment was conducted which had suggested that she might not be able to withstand the physical rigours of midwifery training.

“The rescheduled assessment will take place on Thursday 13th April 2023 and the public will be provided with the necessary updates on the exercise.

“We want to assure (everyone) that the College will not intentionally deny anyone an opportunity to get the best training and capacity enhancement in healthcare services,” she added.