NUC Approves Additional Courses For FUOYE Study Centre


NUC Approves Additional Courses For FUOYE Study Centre


The National Universities Commission has approved two additional courses for the Centre for Continuous Education, Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State.

The Director, FUOYE CCE, Omolade Adeleke, an associate professor, said that with the addition of Biochemistry and Microbiology, the centre would now offer 24 programmes in the six faculties.

Adeleke, in a statement on Wednesday, titled, ‘FUOYE offers admission in 24 courses of its CCE,’ said, “The NUC has approved two additional new courses for the CCE’s Institute of Part-time Studies. The two courses are Microbiology and Biochemistry.

“With this new approval, the total number of courses under the part-time programme is now 24 which cuts across six facilities of Agriculture, Arts, Science, Social science, Management and Education.

“The application forms for the 2023/2024 academic session have just been made available and applicants are advised to take this opportunity as spaces for admission are limited.”

The director, who thanked the Vice Chancellor, Prof Abayomi Fasina, for his support in securing this approval, said, “The second semester 2022/2023 academic session, which started two weeks ago, would be completed in December.

“Freshers are expected to resume for the new academic session of 2023/2024 academic session in January 2024.”