Military To Collaborate With Correctional Officers On Security

Military To Collaborate With Correctional Officers On Security
The General Officer Commanding (GOC), 2 Division, Nigerian Army, Major General GU Chibuisi has pledged synergy in all spheres to secure Custodial Centres in his area of jurisdiction.
Speaking during an operational visit to the Custodial Centres in Osun State Command, Chibuisi stressed the need for joint efforts to stem the trend of security challenges bedevilling the nation.
The  Controller of Corrections Osun Command  Olanrewaju Amoran received the GOC and his entourage alongside officers In-charge of Ile- Ife and Ilesa Custodial Centres, respectively, DCCs Olatunbosun Ajibogun and Johnbull Saudje.
Amoran who conducted the GOC round the facilities held worthwhile discussions  on ways to best secure the Custodial Centres against any external attack or unforseen circumstances.
He expressed appreciation for the visit and the robust engagements and discussions. He also thanked him for the additional reinforcements and deployment of soldiers to give cover and strengthen security at the Custodial Centres in the state.
In the GOC’s entourage were Brig Gen KS Keji, Commander, 2 Military Intelligence Brigade, Lt Colonel IO Erahbor, Acting Commander, Engineer Construction Command, Ede, and other senior officers.