Politics APC To Makinde: Stop Crying Wolf Over Ajimobi’s Negotiation With Labour

APC To Makinde: Stop Crying Wolf Over Ajimobi’s Negotiation With Labour


APC To Makinde: Stop Crying Wolf Over Ajimobi’s Negotiation With Labour

The All Progressives Congress (APC) Oyo State chapter on Monday warned the governor-elect, Engr. Seyi Makinde to stop crying wolf over negotiation by the state government with the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) on minimum wage.

The party said that the outgoing government in the state has the right to open discussion with the labour unions in the state, disclosing that the leadership of the union initiated the discussion with the Governor Abiola Ajimobi administration.

The party’s Publicity Secretary, Dr AbdulAzeez Olatunde in a statement said that it was only an irresponsible state government that will disobey the directive of Mr. President and as well turn down the request of its workforce, clarifying that the Organised Labour in the State – the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress and Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC), Oyo State Council wrote a letter dated April 24, 2019 with reference nos NLC/TUC/JNC/OY/ADM/13 requesting for immediate implementation of the New National Minimum wage in Oyo State with effect from April 2019, salary.

It also said that media houses in the state especially Fresh Fm should always follow the principles of ethical journalism by cross checking facts before broadcasting or going to press.

The party noted that a Fresh Fm analyst on Monday 29th during the newspaper review programme, “Freshly Pressed” made a categorical statement to mislead the general public that the organized labour did not write a letter to the government and that the Ajimobi administration never paid salaries on the 25th or 26th of any month.’’

Olatunde said that the continuous display of unprofessional conduct of Fresh Fm was unbecoming and indecorous of any credible news medium appealing to the media house to stop feeding the general public falsehood as the assertions of the analyst are patently false.

The APC Publicity Secretary stated that it was an unfortunate display of lack of understanding of governance for the governor-elect’s spokesperson, Mr. Dotun Oyelade to insinuate that the administration of Governor Ajimobi would set a booby trap for the incoming administration, stressing that Oyelade was being haunted by the landmines set for the Governor Ajimobi administration by the government he (Oyelade) served between 2007 and 2011.

He said the assumption of Oyelade and his cohorts was wrong, stating that the in-coming government was at liberty to discontinue the discussion after its assumption of office as the present administration has not agreed with the labour on the modalities of implementing the new minimum wage.

Olatunde revealed that in the jointly signed letter by Comrades Kofo Ogundeji, Secretary NLC, Mayowa Falegbe, Secretary TUC and Kolawole Eniola, JNC Vice Chairman to Governor Ajimobi, the Organised Labour had requested for implementation on the new minimum wage for the April 2019 salary and requested that the Governor acknowledges their letter and take quick action on their request.

He disclosed that the Organised Labour claimed that its resolution for the Governor to put all machinery into action for the immediate implementation of the New National Minimum wage was made at its emergency meeting held on Tuesday, April 23, 2019.

He appealed to the incoming administration to stop crying wolf when there is none, emphasising that government is a continuum and no state government will disregard or ignore a bill assented to law by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria moreover when it is stipulated for immediate implementation.

According to him, “Governor Ajimobi has only acted responsibly towards the new law by the President of the country and the follow up request by the organized labour. The Governor’s high sense of fairness and politics without bitterness will not allow him to engage in setting booby traps.’’