Labour Commences Strike In Kaduna


Labour Commences Strike In Kaduna

Kaduna State was brought to its knees, as organised labour, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), led by the President of the Union, Ayuba Wabba to put all activities on hold, heralding the five-day warning strike to protest Governor Nasir El-Rufai’s sack of local government workers.

Wabba, who addressed the civil Servants in the state vowed to ensure that the El-Rufai’s Government is brought to its knees until the government recall the sacked workers to their duty posts.

The leaders of various labour bodies, who were in Kaduna to demonstrate their solidarity with the sack workers, went through Kaduna metropolis to ensure that all the ministries, parastatal and agencies are put under lock and keys.

All the commercial banks, transporters, traders, petrol stations attendants and others withdrew their services in the metropolis.

The workers, who also stage road protest along the popular streets and highways, later converged on the Kaduna State House of Assembly, where the entrance was put on lock.

Wabba who addressed thousands of workers at the rally, condemned Governor El-Rufai’s action in sacking workers in the State and also subjecting traders and other citizens to hardship through his policies of demonstration of shops and properties in the State.

“Information that we have indicated that the Government claimed that workers issued false information concerning their sack, but all the workers are all here,” Wabba said. “The Governor claimed that the local government employees were consulted before their sack. That statement of Government is false.”

“As we speak , all labour leadership in the country are here in Kaduna. They are to protest the Neoliberal policy of this Government in throwing workers out of their jobs is extinguished”.