We Didn’t Take INEC Chair To Court-DSS


We Didn’t Take INEC Chair To Court-DSS


The Department of State Services has refuted assumptions that the service is in court with the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Mahmood Yakubu, over alleged non-declaration of assets.

The DSS made this known in a statement by its spokesperson, Peter Afunanya.

The commission raised the alarm of a misconception by a newspaper which reported a court order out of context that stopped security agencies from arresting or investigating the INEC chairman.

The statement said, “The attention of the Department of State Services (DSS) has been drawn to a 5th January, 2023 online publication in which it reported that ‘Court Stops DSS from Arresting INEC Chairman’.

“The Service has discovered that the newspaper skewed what transpired in the court and reported it out of context. It is against this backdrop that the service pointed out its disapproval to the editorial authorities of the Newspaper. The outfit, which though, argued that what was reported in its online version was different from the hard copy, promised to address the concerns raised but did not.

“This statement, however, becomes important to guide public understanding and perception, especially that the said report is misleading. It falsely left an impression that the service went to court against the INEC Chairman.

“Nonetheless, the service is aware of the antics of some mischievous elements who are desirous of fomenting crisis in the country, including creating unnecessary controversies around the forthcoming general elections.