INEC Boss Warns Politicians Against Violence In Kano


INEC Boss Warns Politicians Against Violence In Kano


The Kano Resident Electoral Commissioner, Ambassador Zango Abdul has cautioned the political class against overheating the atmosphere through the campaigns and inter-party utterances ahead of the 2023 general election in the state.

This is just as Abdul declared readiness to undertake the difficult task of managing the volatile political terrain with a commitment to be fair, transparent and non-partisan in the discharge of duty.

The new Independent National Election Commission (INEC) REC who made the commitment while addressing the management of the commission in Kano said he has aligned ‘wholeheartedly’ with the trust of conducting credible elections in Kano.

The new REC explained that INEC’s considerable progress in reforming the electoral process essentially in the area of technology and related innovations have ushered in a new era of hope in the conduct of elections in Nigeria.

Abdul pledged to provide leadership and team player, guided by fairness and justice to all as he urged the critical stakeholders to desist from any act capable of triggering violence during the poll in Kano.

According to him, “About a week ago, we took our Oath of Office as Resident Electoral Commissioners. During the occasion, the Chairman of INEC, Professor Mahmood Yakubu reiterated the need for all to demonstrate commitment to free, fair, credible, transparent and verifiable elections.

“Professor Yakubu stressed the fact that pursuing this course is not only in line with the Oath of Office we willingly submitted ourselves to but indeed the path to honour and integrity. Accordingly, I wish to align myself with this commitment to ensure free, fair, credible and transparent elections in Kano State”.

“Let me also assure the staff and the entire people of Kano State that I will discharge my duties with the utmost regard for neutrality, non-partisanship, transparency and strict compliance with the provisions of the law, the Commission’s Code of Conduct, Regulations and Guidelines.

“I urge all of us to continue on that trajectory until we achieve the ultimate goal of establishing a virile democratic political system where the will of the people to choose those who govern them is entrenched as a norm in Nigeria.

“let me once again appeal to the entire citizens of Kano State especially the political class to demonstrate confidence in the process by conducting themselves peacefully, playing according to the rules, devoid of violence and acrimony”, Abdul said.