Gunmen Kill One, Kidnap Village Head’s Wife, Son In Bauchi


Gunmen Kill One, Kidnap Village Head’s Wife, Son In Bauchi


One person has been killed and one other injured following an invasion by gunmen on Monday at Magamin Kano Village in Ningi Local Government Area of Bauchi State.

The gunmen also invaded the residence of the Village Head of the area, Alh. Bashir Abubakar, and kidnapped his wife and son to an unknown destination.

A source told journalists that the gunmen shot and killed one person, while the injured person was shot in the thigh and is receiving medical attention at the Ningi General Hospital.

According to the source, the traditional ruler was the main target, but he was able to escape, however, his wife and son were not lucky to escape.

The source said that after operating for several hours, the gunmen, who were many, took the direction of the Ningi forest route and escaped.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Bauchi State Command, Ahmed Wakil, a Superintendent of Police, could not be reached for confirmation as of the time of filing this report.

Our correspondent reports that recently, gunmen invaded Kafin Lemo, broke into shops and houses, and carted away several valuables worth millions of Naira. They shot one person in the leg in the process.

Many residents of Ningi LGA are now living in fear and panic following the activities of gunmen in recent times, which have gone unabated, with many people now afraid of going to their farms.

Residents in the area claimed that within the last month, gunmen have invaded and attacked a number of villages in Ningi LGA, killing two people and kidnapping several others..

They said that the kidnappers had received ransom money from the families of their victims, which they claim is about N50 million, before they released them.