Katsina FRSC To Prosecute Underage Drivers


Katsina FRSC To Prosecute Underage Drivers

The Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Katsina, Ali Sule, said that the corps’ mobile court will try any underage child caught driving in the state.

Sule disclosed this to newsmen on Sunday in Katsina.

“The agency will view the act as a serious offence to see any underage child driving on high ways in the state.

“If we catch any underage, we will hand him or her over to the mobile court to be prosecuted,” he said.

The commander advised parents to desist from allowing their children to drive cars on highways.

Meanwhile, the commander urged drivers to ensure perfect condition of their vehicles during rainy seasons.

According to him, they should ensure that the wipers, tyres, and lightning are all in perfect conditions to ensure visibility in the rainy season.

Sule urged them to also stick to the stipulated speed limit while driving.