Facilities: Sanwo-Olu Pays Unscheduled Visits To General Hospital


Facilities: Sanwo-Olu Pays Unscheduled Visits To General Hospital

Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State on Sunday evening paid an unscheduled visit to the General Hospital, Odan, for on-the-spot assessment of the level of facilities at the hospital and the medical quarters.

Sanwo-Olu, on his Facebook page said that the assessment was with a view to determining the level of intervention needed.

He also paid an unscheduled visit to the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital, for an on-the-spot assessment of how effective the medical palliative care was being implemented.

According to him, the visit is a follow up to government’s decision to offer free antenatal services and free birth deliveries for women at the state’s General Hospitals.

The governor said that the free antenatal and free delivery for women was to help cushion the effect of the current economic situation

”Healthcare is very critical, and we must do everything to ensure it is available at the best level for everyone.

”As part of our THEMES+ agenda, we have made major strides across different levels of healthcare in Lagos, with major interventions still planned to support continued improvement.

”Together, we are committed to building a healthier and safer future,” he said