Election: UK, Australian Govts Issue Security Warnings To Citizens


Election: UK, Australian Govts Issue Security Warnings To Citizens


With less than 37 days to the general election, the UK and Australian governments have issued new security warnings to citizens planning to travel to or already present in Nigeria.

In October last year, countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Bulgaria issued terror alerts.

The foreign embassies, while warning their citizens in Nigeria, noted that suspected terrorists would target government structures, houses of worship, schools, marketplaces, retail centres, hotels, bars, restaurants, sporting events, transportation hubs, police stations, and international organisations.

The Federal Government had dismissed the security advisories, describing them as false and assured Nigerians to go about their lawful business as the country was safe and secure.

In updated travel advisories on January 19, the Australian government informed its citizens that the risk of electoral violence is high, urging them to reconsider their travels to those intending to visit.

A statement by the Australian government partly read “Nigeria is scheduled to hold national and state elections between February 25 and March 11.

The risk of election-related violence is high. You should avoid all political gatherings and election-related sites in the lead-up to, during and after this period.

“Offices of the Independent National Electoral Commission across the country have already been targeted and should be avoided. Politically motivated murders and kidnappings have occurred, and the threat of further incidents remains high.”

For those intending to visit, the foreign government urged them to “Reconsider your need to travel. We have reviewed our travel advice for Nigeria and now advise reconsider your need to travel to Abuja.

Corroborating the Australian and UK governments also warned that protests might break out during the election.

The UK government said, “Nationwide elections will take place in Nigeria in February 2023, and there is a heightened risk of protests during this period.

“Political rallies, protests and violent demonstrations can occur with little notice throughout the country. International news events can sometimes trigger anti-Western demonstrations.”