EKSG Begins Training Of Health Workers For Quality Improvement

EKSG Begins Training Of Health Workers For Quality Improvement
The Ekiti State Ministry of Health and Human Services in collaboration with the State Primary Health Care Development Agency has organized a 5  Day Capacity Building Training for Staff of Primary Healthcare cadre in the state.
The Commissioner for Health and Human Services Dr Oyebanji Filani noted while declaring open the Training at School of Nursing in Ado-Ekiti that 502 health workers in selected four Local Government Areas of Ado-Ekiti, Ikere, Oye and Ikole were participating at the training. He hinted that the training has been planned in phases to cover health workers in all the 16 Local Government Areas of the state.
Dr Filani who was represented at the event by the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health and Human Services Mr Akinjide Akinleye, mni stated that the programme was aimed at improving the capacity and knowledge of the health workers for improved Healthcare and better service delivery.
The commissioner disclosed that the Dr Kayode Fayemi led Administration has prioritised facility uplift both at the Primary and Secondary levels. He informed the participant’s renovation works and completion of the outstanding building have commenced at the Oba Adejugbe General Hospital Ado-Ekiti while works would soon begin at other specialists/general hospitals.
He said that the State Government is not stopping at this as a contract for the supply of state-of-,the-art medical equipment has been awarded. All these are to improve the quality of health care in the State.
He urged  Ekiti residents especially health workers whom he described as front line workers to receive Covid 19 vaccines noting that vaccination remains the best way to prevent the spread of the pandemic.
The Permanent Secretary of the State Primary Health Care Development Agency, Pharmacist Olabisi Arogundade commended the Governor for his passion for excellence and love for Ekiti residents through approval of several capacity building trainings for the Health workers in the state.
Pharm Arogundade charged the participants to pay absolute attention to all the details of the training to improve themselves stressing the need to translate the knowledge gained at the training appropriately to better service delivery at their various facilities.