AFCON 2021: We’ll Play Sudan With Utmost Respect- Eguavoen


AFCON 2021: We’ll Play Sudan With Utmost Respect- Eguavoen

Super Eagles interim coach, Augustine Eguavoen, has said his team would play Sudan in their second group game of the Africa Cup of Nations with the utmost respect.

Nigeria would take on the Falcons of Jediane in their second Group D game of the AFCON, at the Stade Roumdé Adjia in Garoua on Saturday.

Eguavoen told newsmen during the pre-match press conference on Friday that the Sudanese were not pushovers and would be treated as such, adding that consolidating on the victory against Egypt, was the ultimate goal.

“I cannot look down on anybody, if you do that, you will be making a very big mistake.

“So, the Sudanese team will not be an exception. We will approach them the same way we did against Egypt.

“They are a respected side and not a weak side at all. We will play them with the utmost respect.

“Every game comes with a different plan. Sudan are not pushovers and more so, they are on one point and we have three points.

“We want to consolidate on that, while they will be pushing harder to have a chance to qualify,” he said.

On the hype of the Super Eagles being favourites to win the AFCON title, Eguavoen noted that it was too early to draw such conclusions.

“It is hard to say, because it is a marathon. It is only the first game and like you all know Egypt are seven-time African champions.

“They are not pushovers. They are a very strong team and whoever thinks that Egypt are not a strong side, he or she is making a big mistake.

“Yes, we were able to neutralise them, we were lucky at some point as well. We played very well which is very good, credit to all the players.

“But to talk about being favourites now, I think will be too early.

“We are going to look at the next game and approach it with all seriousness and a lot of respect as well and after crossing that hurdle, we will then look toward the next game,” he said.

Egypt, who currently sit at the bottom of Group D table with no point, would be looking for redemption when they take on Guinea Bissau from 8.00 pm on Saturday.