Court Jails Skushies Seller 12 Months

Court Jails Skushies Seller 12 Months
A 40-year-old woman, Ogunyemi Ajoke, has been convicted and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment for dealing and selling liquor laced with hard drugs, popularly called ‘Skushies’.
Justice Akintayo Aluko, who presided over the court, gave the verdict after the convicted woman pleaded guilty to a count charge leveled against her by the anti-narcotic agency, the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA).
The convict, according to the prosecutor, N. J. Mamza, was arrested on July 23, 2023, at Titilayo Street, Egbe, in Alimosho Local Government Area, Lagos State, with 25 liters of the alcoholic drink.
She told the court that the drink, when tested contained heroin and other prohibited drugs.
She told the court that the offence committed by the convict, contravened section 11(c) of the NDLEA  Cap N.30 Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 2004, and punishable under the same Act.
The convicted woman, admitted committing the offence and pleaded guilty to the charge.
Following her plea of guilty, the court ordered the prosecutor to review the facts of the charge.
Upon the reviewing the facts of the charge, the prosecutor urged the court to convict and sentence the woman as prescribed the the act of NDLEA she was charged with.
But the convicted woman through her lawyer, pleaded with the court to have mercy on her, as a first time convict who did not have any record of previous conviction. The position which was confirmed by the prosecutor.
Justice Aluko in his judgment, held that all the mitigating factors which permits the court to be merciful on any convict, tilted in favour of the convicted woman.
The judge after sentenced the woman to 12 months imprisonment, however ordered her to pay a fine of N300, 000, 00, in lieu of the jail terms.