I Won’t Seek A Third Term- Buhari


I Won’t Seek A Third Term- Buhari

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari Friday said he has no intention to seek a third term as the leader of Africa’s largest economy.

Nigerian constitution permits a maximum of two terms for governors and president. But rumours were rife that Buhari, who once led the country as a general, may seek another term.

For him to do that, the constitution will need to be amended. But the president ultimately ruled that out on Friday evening.

“I said you should read the Constitution because I am not going to make a mistake,” Buhari said at the meeting of the National Executive Council of the ruling All Progressives Congress.

“Besides the age, I am not going to contest for third term because I will go by the Constitution. The Constitution says two-terms. I’m going to be frank here because I won’t be needing anybody’s vote.”