Wike’s Grandstanding And Limits Of Recklessness, By Tunde Abatan

Tunde Abatan

Wike’s Grandstanding And Limits Of Recklessness, By Tunde Abatan


The late Chief Somorin, an Egba aristocrat was a rich man who love the display of affluence, public acclaim and power.

In those days of yore in Egba, one of the earliest pre- independent days shortly after the Egba United Government became history as a result of Amalgamation in 1914, ridding or owing a well decorated Horse was equivalent to owing a car and symbolises status and Class the for the Rich Egba elite.

It was both the sign of wealth and power and show of affluence in those days.

But on a sad day, he was so happy enjoying the ride on his well -fed and decorated horse that the beating of the drums which normally herald his presence and makes the Horse to dance took a dramatic but sad turn.

The horse dance so well (probably due to excitement after being over fed) coupled with the sound of the drum that normally herald her owner’s presence, that, her owner, Chief Somorin fell -off and broke his back right in front of his compound now a popular area in Abeokuta, Capital of the Egba nation.

The rest is History as the people composed a song that goes thus…Eni ba ri iku Morin, ko ni fi oore se esin…meaning he who witness the fall and death of Morin, won’t pamper his horse the way Somorin did.”

The horse got excited and threw him down.


Today, Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory, FCT Minister, Nyesom Wike is a man who courts and love controversy.


In and out of power, he has always love controversy as a means of staying in public focus.


Though, his role in the period preceding the emergence of the President Bola Tinubu- led federal government cannot be brushed aside by history.


He was part of those who played high politics and intrigues which produced the result thereby making history by the outcome of the tough Presidential contest.



However, today, evidences abound that Wike may be threading on the path of the fate that befell Chief Somorin earlier referred to.


His recent actions and pronouncements   suggest that he may also be part of those who will unmake the government he helped to put in place either in the eyes of the public or affect its romance with the Nigerian people.


Give it to him, during his eight Years tenure as River’s state Governor, he effectively combined governance with politics, public relevance and display of power, in the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.



At the end of the day, his being the point- man who rallied other aggrieved five PDP governors behind Bola Tinubu of the All-Progressives Congress, APC, made the difference in the elections.


But today, Wike may surreptitiously be ridding his public acclaim to a point where he will not only injure the government, he is part of but also attract hostility to its Leaders especially President Tinubu.


He also has to take time to know when not to ride too rough on the horse in order not to be thrown off by the same horse which he rode to public acclaim and relevance.

The sahong he who rides the Tiger must be careful not to end in its belly comes handy.


Things and living are tough in Nigeria today and both President Tinubu, his party men and others in government knows it.



The resetting of Nigeria’s economy and psyche is not only unsettling the public and masses who have always bear the brunt of economic measures of policies like withdrawal of fuel subsidy but also carry the weight more than the affluent.



Last week, the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, announced the inclusion of a budgetary provision of N15 billion Naira to complete the building of what it described as a befitting house for vice President Shettima.



The money is an addition to the N7biilion previously spent on the abandoned state house.



Wike’s FCT proposed spending is coming at a time when the masses have just been inflicted with a wasteful purchase of N160milion Sports Utility Vehicle, SUV for each of our 468 legislators.



The legislators had contemptuously claimed that only the state-of-the-art cars can ride in our roads that are not car worthy in the first instance.


Were they riding on such cars before and during their campaign for office?


Who claimed only such luxury SUVs is the only car they could ride to get comfort?

Coming at a time when price of bag of Rice and other staple food items have made those who elected them into the hallowed chambers power poorer is a bad and unthinking choice.

This is in spite of inadequate palliatives provided by government most of which fell in wrong hands.

Besides the N15b for Vice President’s residence, Wike’s FCT also budgeted N2.5billion for publicity for its programmes.

You ask yourself whether it is the noise of the extravagance projects that will feed the stomach of the hungry.

While building a befitting official house for the vice President is not questionable, allocating such a humongous amount at this time and season is not only insultive on the citizenry but also contemptuous and shows gross insensitivity.

Afterall, the former vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, stayed inside Aguda house for eight years.

Wike’s budget is also coming even as the House committee have asked the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, to investigate how the initial N7biilion released for the project developed wings in the characteristic Nigerian way and flew away without it been implemented and no question asked.

Yes, Wike displayed excitement on his appointment and assumption of office, such should not be at the expense of the people and country he claimed to be serving.

Also of importance is Wike’s meddlesomeness in River’s politics to the extent of taking his FCT brief as his second job.

While nobody questions his holding tight to his political structures back at home, he should be told before his boss Tinubu, poke fingers at his face, that his primary job in Abuja is suffering.

Wike and other Ministers including those who announced a N1.5billion budget for the procurement of cars for First lady’s office, should be told that their frivolous spending to take care of those who claim to Serve the people is a mockery of the system.

Leadership is about sacrifice and not maintaining a larger-than-life lifestyle which is at variance with the parlous state of our economy and gridding poverty in the land.

A word is enough for the Wise

Wike and co should bridle their horse before the unexpected happens.

They should also be told the Honeymoon period of masses patience with Tinubu is almost over occasioned by sheer insensitivity of their actions.

Wisdom is profitable and our Leaders should seek it.