More Investments Needed In Manufacturing Sector, Says Obasanjo


More Investments Needed In Manufacturing Sector, Says Obasanjo

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, on Thursday, called for more investment in the manufacturing sector, saying this would help to tackle unemployment and poverty and boost the nation’s economy.

Obasanjo made the call while speaking at a twin programme to unveil the Luxe Regal Brand of Royal Chairs and a book on ‘Making Your Business a Ministry’ written by Pastor Babatunde Ebidero, which was held at Park Inn, Kuto, Abeokuta.

The former President, who was represented by his wife, Mrs Bola Obasanjo, said, “The importance of the manufacturing sector in developing our economy and empowering our teeming youths cannot be overemphasised. When people are gainfully employed and have food on their table, they too can contribute to the development of the nation; crime will no longer be attractive to such people, and everyone can be happy.”

The Alake and Paramount Ruler of Egbaland, Oba Adedotun Gbadebo, represented by Olowu of Owu, Oba (Prof) Saka Matemilola, lauded Ebidero for investing in efforts helping to create wealth and taking the young ones out of the streets.