2022 Hajj: NAHCON Commends Ogun Pilgrims On Discipline


2022 Hajj: NAHCON Commends Ogun Pilgrims On Discipline

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has commended the Ogun State pilgrims and the Board for their discipline, tolerance and cooperation at the ongoing holy pilgrimage. 

The Monitoring Team of the Commission led by the Commissioner, Planning, Research, Information and Library Services (PRILS), Sheikh Momoh Suleman Imonikhe gave the commendation during team’s visitation to the State’s Tent at MUNA, promising to look into various observations and complaints of the Pilgrims towards best services and improvement in future exercise.

He added that NAHCON has learnt a lot of lessons and its determined not to have a repeat of the situation, saying that the management knows that no number of apologies could pay for the disappointment some Muslim faithfuls experienced due to their inability to perform hajj exercise.

Responding, the Executive Secretary of the Board, Alhaji Salau Dauda appreciated the Team for the visit, assuring that the State pilgrims Board would continue to maintain the standard in terms of good character and service delivery to the pilgrims.

Salau said the State Pilgrims would return to Makkah soon in continuation of the exercise.