Olota Inaugurates INEC Office In Ogun


Olota Inaugurates INEC Office In Ogun


The Olota of Otta, Professor Adeyemi Obalanlege, has inaugurated a newly built Independent National Electoral Commission’s office at the Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State.

This was contained in a statement available to newsmen by the palace on Wednesday.

During the inauguration which took place on Tuesday, INEC reinstated its commitment to making every vote count in the forthcoming elections.

The statement titled ‘Olota Commissions Independent National Electoral Commissions’ Office Building At Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government,’ also revealed that the monarch helped the commission to acquire the land on which the building was erected.

The statement partly read, “The leadership of the commission ably led by Honourable Resident Electoral Commissioner, Ogun State, Niyi Ijalaye Esq, earlier paid a courtesy visit to the Palace of Olota before the official commissioning to appreciate His Majesty for his determined efforts in securing the land on which the building is erected.

“He seized the opportunity to reiterate INEC’s commitment to making every votes count while also announcing the availability of Permanent Voters Card for those that just enrolled between 2021 and early 2022 which are ready for collection at various area offices.

“In his Royal Remark, Kabiyesi applauded the leadership of the commission for taking immediate action on the said land by ensuring its completion within a record time.

“Alayeluwa further charged the commission to be professional and thorough in the discharge of their duties without any form of bias/favour in protecting the image of the commission and for the betterment of the society.

“In conclusion, Kabiyesi urged all and sundry to give the needed support to the commission as they prepare towards having free, fair and transparent General Elections come 2023.”

Dignitaries and chieftaincy title holders in Ota were present at the ceremony.