Kano Hisbah Arrests Eight Suspects Over Phone Snatching In Mosque


Kano Hisbah Arrests Eight Suspects Over Phone Snatching In Mosque

The Kano State Hisbah Board says it has arrested eight young men and women, suspected of phone snatching and other criminal activities at Al-Furqan mosque in Nasarawa GRA.

The Commander General of the board, Sheikh Harun Ibn Sina, confirmed the arrest of the suspects to newsmen on Tuesday.

He explained that the suspects were apprehended in the afternoon while taking drugs and other intoxicants near the Mosque.

The commander general described their action as inappropriate as Islam prohibits Muslims from engaging in immoral acts during fasting period.

Sheikh Ibn Sina urged the general public to be more vigilant and report any suspected person or character to relevant authorities, as the Hisbah Board would not relent in its efforts of sanitising Kano of all forms of vices.

He said the suspects would be handed over to relevant authorities for necessary action.