VC Appointment: UI Calls For Nomination Of Senate Reps


VC Appointment: UI Calls For Nomination Of Senate Reps

As the process for the appointment of a new vice-chancellor for the University of Ibadan begins all over again, the institution has called for nominations of Senate Representatives on the Joint Council and Senate Selection Board.

This is contained in a statement signed by the institution’s Registrar, Olubunmi Faluyi, and made available to newsmen on Sunday in Ibadan.

Whoever emerges from the process would lead the institution from 2021–2026.

“Pursuant to the provisions of the relevant Act of the University, with specific reference to the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor. Nominations are hereby invited for the senate representatives on the Joint Council and Senate Selection Board. Specifically, the Act provides for two members of the senate who are professors and not members of the Search Team,” it said.

The statement said that nomination papers would be available for download at from Monday, Oct. 4, while nominees were required to sign the papers and indicate their willingness to serve.

It said that duly completed nomination forms should be enclosed in an envelope addressed to the Registrar, University of Ibadan.

The statement added that the envelopes should be marked ‘Nomination For The Representative On The Joint Council and Senate Selection Board’.

It further stated that the envelopes should be delivered by hand to the Office of the Deputy Registrar (Senate, Admission and Affiliated Institutions (SAAI) no later than 12 noon on Friday, October 8.

The institution said that e-voting would hold on Tuesday, October 12, from 9 am to 12 noon, while the senate meeting will start immediately after the election at Trenchard Hall.