Everyone Connected With Umoren’s Death Will Be Punished- Emmanuel


Everyone Connected With Umoren’s Death Will Be Punished- Emmanuel


Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State has assured that everyone who had a hand in the death of 26-year-old Miss Iniubong Umoren who was allegedly abducted, raped and murdered by Uduak Frank Akpan would receive adequate punishment according to law.

Emmanuel who gave the assurance during a condolence visit to late Umoren’s family Monday in Oruk Anam local government area, also assured that the state government will not interfere with police investigations, and expressed confidence in the ability of the police to ensure that justice is served in the matter.

The Governor who represented by Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Dr Emmanuel Ekuwem, expressed deep pain over the gruesome manner in which the innocent girl had gone out in search of a responsible means of livelihood met her untimely death.

He decried the incident as it is at variance with the state government’s efforts at encouraging the youths to be engaged in profitable ventures, especially as the deceased was awaiting her call up letter for the mandatory National Youth Service Corps, (NYSC).

Responding on behalf of the family, the elder brother of the deceased, Mr Ukeme Umoren expressed deep pains over the loss of their sister who had just concluded her University education. “She decided to look for a job to make a living, to cater for her needs before leaving for the mandatory National service. I appeal to the state government to ensure that justice takes its course, by bringing all the perpetrators to book.

” I thank His Excellency the Governor for taking a personal interest in this case and I appeal that the family should not be abandoned”,

Mr Umoren appealed The SSG was accompanied on the condolence visit by the Commissioners for Education, Women Affairs & Social Welfare, Information & Strategy, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information & Strategy, Chief Press Secretary to the Governor and the State Director of Information.