Insecurity: Seek Foreign Help To Protect Nigerians, CAN Pleads With Buhari


Insecurity: Seek Foreign Help To Protect Nigerians, CAN Pleads With Buhari


The President, Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, Rev. Samson Ayokunle, on Saturday, urged the Federal Government not to be ashamed in approaching countries that have the capacity to help Nigeria to protect her sovereignty and the citizenry from attacks by insurgents and bandits.

Ayokunle stated this when he inaugurated the new national chairman of CAN’s Youth Wing, Mr Belusochukwu Enwere, in Abuja.

He said going by the spate of insecurity in the land, especially banditry and kidnapping, the government seems overwhelmed by the continuous security challenges in parts of the country.

He noted that the lesson to be learnt from the recent series of attacks by criminal elements was for those in power to realise the worsening state of affairs and get motivated to seek help from the United States of America, Israel, and other countries with superior military power to sustain and win the war against insecurity.

Ayokunle stated, “It is very obvious that Nigeria needs assistance. I’m not President Muhammadu Buhari, but I’m sure that he will be worried as well.

‘He should be willing to seek help from anywhere because insecurity has reached a worrying point where nobody is safe.

“We need help, let me use the opportunity to tell the President to reach out to Israel, United States and other countries that could be of help to Nigeria, the problem of insecurity is becoming overwhelming.”

Ayokunke also said that CAN was worried because of the perceived persecution Christians experience in the hands of insurgents and bandits. “The insecurity, banditry, and kidnapping are against the human race. We are seriously worried in CAN because we are affected by the security challenges in Nigeria. The insecurity, banditry, and kidnapping are against the human race.

“The President and the leadership of CAN have spoken severally against the security challenges and it does appear that it is too overwhelming to the present government.

“We will continue to pray for the government because there is a lack of security everywhere, from Adamawa to Lagos, Sokoto to Enugu, the highway is not safe.

“Even when you’re in your house, you’re not safe. We are seriously worried, the onus is on the government to protect the people.

‘And the first assignment of the government is to protect everybody, including the government officials because they too are not safe.

“The governors are not safe, you know what happened with Katsina, the home state of the President. I’m sure the President too will be worried as much as we are,” Ayokunle said.