NSCDC Arrests Fake Army Major, Recovers Vehicles In Nasarawa


NSCDC Arrests Fake Army Major, Recovers Vehicles In Nasarawa


The Nasarawa Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has arrested 46 years old, Amos John Ewuga, for alleged job racketeering, impersonation, and fraud.

 The command in a statement signed by its Public Relations Officer, Muhammed Suraju Idris, explained that the Corps mounted surveillance and arrested the said Ewuga along Akwanga-Keffi-Abuja road, following series of complaints received against him.

According to the command, Ewuga, who hails from Nasarawa Eggon Local Government Area of the state has been impersonating and posing as a Major in the Nigerian Army and defrauding innocent citizens of the state.

Ewuga is said to have confessed to the crime saying he has extorted millions of naira from innocent job seekers both within and outside Nasarawa state with the promise to provide job opportunities for them in the Nigerian Army, Air Force, Navy and other paramilitary agencies.

A dark tinted Army colour Highlander Jeep with registration number RBC 398 JM was among the items recovered.

Idris said he will be charged to court as soon as investigation is completed.