Passenger On Rampage, Trashes Airport After Missing Flight


Passenger On Rampage, Trashes Airport After Missing Flight


A man after missing his flight lost temper to the extent he caused damages at a Russian airport.

The man was reported to have been drinking in a departure lounge and wasn’t aware when his flight was boarding.

The CCTV clip, filmed in Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, captures the man as he repeatedly tries to open a locked door at a departure gate, according to DailyMail report.

The door failed to yield to his force and out of anger, the tourist kicked down signs and barricades placed around a check-in desk.

At one point, the furious traveller falls to the ground by the desk, before jumping back to his feet and storming through a barrier.

He then grabbed a nearby computer monitor and attempted to pull it from its mount, before picking up the keyboard and smashing it into the desk.

‘He got angry and began to crash the desk and the equipment on it,’ said a Russian report.

Other passengers were seen watching on as if it were a normal event. ‘Due to the quick reaction of the airport security service, the intrusion was halted,’ said a spokesman.

The unidentified man was then taken to the airport police station to be charged with hooliganism.