Niger State Earmarks Land For 200 Housing Units In Suleja


Niger State Earmarks Land For 200 Housing Units In Suleja

The Niger state government has provided land for the construction of 200 housing units to reduce the burden of accommodation among residents.

Mr Lukman Komolafe, Managing Director, Happy Home Builders Nigeria Ltd. disclosed this in an interview with NAN on Sunday in Abuja.

He said that the project was part of efforts by the state government to address the housing needs of residents of the state.

Komolafe said that the project, which started early in the year, would range from two-bedroom bungalows to two-bedroom compacts.

He said that the houses located along Madalla-Abuja road in Suleja would be completed by the end of the year.

According to him, the company was involved in building some housing units for cooperatives and groups in the state as part of the effort towards addressing housing deficit.

Komolafe said that the company was known for its adequate and timely delivery of service.

”We are known for our excellence and professionalism with a lot of commitment,” he said.

Komolafe said that housing was a crucial basic need of every human being and so needed to be addressed urgently.

The housing estate which is an initiative of the Suleja Local Government Council and fully supported by the Niger State Government sits on 33.4 hectares of land with 371 number of plots with an average size of 450 square meters.