Umahi Dissociates Self From 2023 Presidential Campaign Team Inauguration


Umahi Dissociates Self From 2023 Presidential Campaign Team Inauguration

By Joyce Aroh Abakaliki

The Chairman of South East Governors Forum, Engr David Umahi, has dissociated himself from the purported Inauguration of a Presidential campaign platform by a Socio-political group in Abakaliki on Tuesday for the 2023 presidential election, describing the move as a distraction.

Umahi in a statement by his Chief Press Secretary, Emmanuel Uzor dissociated himself and his Government from any form of political gathering with intent to promote his Presidential ambition in 2023, saying he is more committed to delivering quality and purposeful leadership to the people of Ebonyi State.

The statement by Emmanuel Uzor further quoted Governor Umahi as saying that promoters of his purported 2023 Presidential ambition do not have his support and therefore should not link him with any election that is four years ahead.

“The Governor was greatly embarrassed by the link to Presidential ambition of 2023 being circulated in various social media platforms and wishes to state that he will not be distracted by the various endorsements by groups and individuals who clamour for Nigeria President of Igbo extraction”

“Governor does not know the promoters of the platform and could not have contracted them to do the job but believes that any genuine and law abiding Nigerians reserve the right to go about their business as long as it doesn’t impinge on laid down rules of the country “

The Governor however dismissed the insinuation of his Presidential ambition, adding “2023 is still very far ahead of us. I am the Governor of Ebonyi State and a second term Governor for that matter by the grace of God, I put all my energy and concentration to serve my people as Governor and deliver on my Campaign promises. I am not looking at where I will be tomorrow. Allow God to determine my next political fate but don’t distract me with Presidential ambition of 2023 now in 2019, it’s ridiculous”

“Let me say again, as a Nigerian and Igbo man and in my capacity as the Chairman of South East Governors Forum, I am not against the idea or agitation for Nigeria President of Igbo extraction but linking me to it at this time is mostly embarrassing, distracting and premature and I beg to be left out of it”