Recession: Nigerians Take To Gambling – Operator


Recession: Nigerians Take To Gambling – Operator

Sports betting and lottery operators said on Monday that they were experiencing boost in their businesses as more people now patronise them.

Some of the betting operators disclosed this in separate interviews with Newsmen in Abuja.

Newsmen report that sport betting is the activity of predicting sports’ results and placing a stake on the outcome.

Mr Chinedu Opara, who manages a BET9JA outlet in Karu, FCT, told newsmen that the recession in the country has made the lottery business, particularly that of sports to thrive in the last one year.

He explained that people are attracted to the scheme now because they want to multiply or increase the money they have through betting.

“We have experienced more patronage since last year, many people now buy tickets and we have tickets as low as N100.

“For example, labourers who get daily pay of 1, 500, will want to play the game of N100 or N200 to make more money for themselves.

“Most times, we have up to two hundred customers for a particular game and maybe just two of them stand a chance of winning,” he said.

Opara, however, encouraged more Nigerians to play the game and boost economic development in the country, stating that the game was for all Nigerians irrespective of class or status

He stressed that the scheme was interesting, educating and enlightening as many people are now aware of football and the benefits of lottery.

Also, Mr Usman Negedu, Manager, NairaBet said that Nigerians were eager to boost their income these days through sports betting.

According to him, the scarcity of money in the country has motivated more people to focus on betting.

“Recession has doubled the amount of subscribers on the betting network; more and more people keep logging onto our websites and registering to bet.

“Scarcity of money has made lots of people focus more on betting, and the tickets and internets they use generate money for us’’, he said.

However, Mr Jerry Ubong, a customer, told newsmen that the game was a risky one, but most times pay the bills if you are lucky to win, adding that it is a give and take scheme.

He noted that the risk was worth taking as the game is cheap and affordable depending on your ability.

Ubong told newsmen that engaging in the game will improve someone’s intellect as it is brain tasking that requires lots of calculation.

He added that the scheme was providing jobs for the unemployed youths in the country, saying that the business was rapidly expanding and spreading in the country.

It would be recalled that over three million Nigerians lost more than N18 billion through the now defunct MMM scheme.