78 Ex-US Ambassadors Write Trump Over Shithole Comments


78 Ex-US Ambassadors Write Trump Over Shithole Comments

The ripples generated by President Donald Trump’s alleged disparaging comments has continued, with 78 former United States Ambassadors, who served in Africa, writing the President to remind him about the continent’s great exploits and potentials.

“Africa is a continent of great human talent and rich diversity, as well as extraordinary beauty and almost unparalleled natural resources. It is also a continent with deep historical ties with the United States,” the former senior diplomats said in a joint statement delivered at the White House.

The statement came days after Mr. Trump reportedly derided Africa, Haiti and El Salvador in a meeting about immigration policy in the White House.

The All Africa Media published the reaction of the 78 former American top diplomats to the controversy yesterday morning.

They said: “As American ambassadors abroad, we have seen Africa’s complex and rich cultures, awe-inspiring resilience, and breathtaking generosity and compassion.

“Even as some nations have faced challenges, we have counted among our contacts dynamic entrepreneurs, gifted artists, committed activists, passionate conservationists, and brilliant educators.”