Stop Messing Up With The Qur’an- MURIC Tells Political Parties

Stop Messing Up With The Qur’an- MURIC Tells Political Parties
A Muslim group has issued a warning to Nigeria’s prominent political
parties to stop messing up with the divine book of Islam.
January, 2019 by the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC). According to the
Islamic human rights outfit, a certain “prominent” political party in
the country is fond of using the Qur’an in its political rallies
without following laid down rules. MURIC described this as laughable,
provocative and totally unacceptable.
“Our office has been inundated with a Tsunami of complaints about a
prominent political party that has been abusing the use of the Qur’an
in its political rallies. Such an attitude exposes the political party
as a body that is insensitive to the feelings of Muslims. It is
laughable, provocative and totally unacceptable.
“Exempli gratia, we are in possession of a video clip in which a
notorious lawmaker cum comedian who is obviously a non-Muslim recited
the Surat Al-Fatihah (chapter one of the Glorious Qur’an) wrongly in
one of the party’s rallies about two weeks ago. The question is why
was a non-Muslim allowed to recite an Islamic prayer using verses of
the Glorious Qur’an in a political rally?
“We don’t want to be misunderstood. Anybody can pray but decorum must
be applied when doing that in public. It is most unwise for a
non-Muslim to venture into praying in Arabic when he is not sure he
can do it well. A Muslim should offer the Muslim prayer and vice
versa. Prayer is a serious spiritual exercise. It is communication
between the creature and the Creator. It is not something you can
trivialize. But what we saw on that day was the transfer of the usual
parliamentary theatricals that has been associated with the National
Assembly in recent times.
“In another trending video, a woman was seen struggling with the
recitation of Surat Ash-Sharh (Qur’an chapter 94) at another rally of
the same political party. She ended it all by mixing up the verses and
“MURIC is not just raising false alarm or sounding unnecessarily
demagogic. The fact is that the implications of reciting a verse or
chapter of the Glorious Qur’an wrongly in an attempt to offer prayers
are very serious. An inexperienced reciter may end up raining curses
instead of offering prayers due to errors of pronounciation, wording
or incorrect reading of verses. This can be terrible in a rally
organized by a political party because instead of actually praying for
the country and the political party, the person may end up
inadvertently cursing the party and the country (may Allah forbid
“That is why political parties need to have religious advisers among
its officials. Such religious advisers must be made up of qualified
Christian and Islamic clerics. They are the ones who should be called
upon to offer prayers in public programmes, not parliamentary rascals
whose only value lies in their capacity to constitute public nuisance.
“We like to place it on record for public awareness that the rules
guiding the recitation of Christian and Islamic scriptures are
different and the yardsticks of one should not be used to judge the
other. For instance, a person wishing to recite any portion of the
Glorious Qur’an must first perform ablution. The rule is that you
cannot read the Qur’an if you are not pure. The Qur’an itself set the
rule when it says ‘Only those who are clean can touch it. It is a
revelation from the Lord of the Worlds’ (Laa yamusuhu ilaa
al-mutaharuun, tanziilun min Rabbil-aalamiin, Qur’an 56:79 – 80).
“The recitation made by the woman at that political event is also
contentious from another angle. Apart from the fact that she may not
have performed ablution, she may not be clean. She may be in her
menstrual period and Islam does not permit women to do such things in
that state. That is one of the reasons Muslim women are not usually
called upon to read the Qur’an in public. She does not have to make
her condition public and this may happen if she is so invited.
“In conclusion, we charge political parties to demonstrate seriousness
in spiritual matters. We also advise political parties to consult
their religious advisers before taking any step that has spiritual
implication. We urge all churches and mosques to pray for a peaceful
general election and a stable polity thereafter”.